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Rhodotorula graminis di Menna 1958

Scientific name record
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Rhodotorula graminis di Menna, J. Gen. Microbiol. 18 270 (1958)
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna 1958

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New Zealand
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di Menna
di Menna
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna 1958
NZ holotype
Rhodotorula graminis
Cultures of the type strain of Candida muscorum, PS2 from Paraparaumu, and of the type strain of Rhodotorulu graminis, 2 K 53, have been deposited with the Yeast Division, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Delft, Netherlands, and with the Brewing Industry Research Foundation, Nutfield, Surrey, England.

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Rhodotorula graminis di Menna 1958
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna (1958)
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna 1958
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna (1958)
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna 1958
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna (1958)
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna 1958
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna (1958)
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna 1958
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna (1958)
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna 1958
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna (1958)
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna 1958
Rhodotorula graminis di Menna (1958)

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Cultures of the type strain of Candida muscorum, PS2 from Paraparaumu, and of the type strain of Rhodotorulu graminis, 2 K 53, have been deposited with the Yeast Division, Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, Delft, Netherlands, and with the Brewing Industry Research Foundation, Nutfield, Surrey, England.

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scientific name
18 January 2000
15 December 2003
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